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Ferry for Summer Olympic 2024

Ferry for Summer Olympic 2024

Client: Holland Shipyard Group

Year: 2022

Winning Design for Paris Olympic Games 2024. In December 2022, our Client emerged victorious in a national call by the French inland waterway authority, Voies Navigables de France.

The ferry, with its groundbreaking design, state-of-the-art autonomy system, electric propulsion, and a 3D printed hull made of recycled material, represents a leap forward in sustainable marine mobility.


Design Research

Concept Design

Industrial Design




“Working with EXEON on the autonomous ferry project has been a straightforward and productive experience

for us at Holland Shipyard Group. Their practical design and engineering know-how have brought a real boost to the project. EXEON's hands-on approach and clear understanding of our project needs have significantly contributed to its success. Their direct approach has made our collaboration smooth and rewarding, driving us further towards innovative maritime solutions." Leendert Hoogendoorn - Director

[1.0] Initial Sketches


Our project embarked on an adventure, starting with preliminary sketches that laid the groundwork for a wide exploration of concepts, aiming to encapsulate the essence of the ferry's design. The ambition was to craft a design that not only peered into the future with a modern and sleek aesthetic but also embodied the spirit of the Olympic Games. This design needed to encapsulate uniqueness, excellence, and a distinctive character, evoking thoughts of the Olympics while maintaining subtlety in its representation. ... Read more In parallel, the design challenge was to ensure the ferry harmoniously integrated into the Parisian landscape, resonating with the city's most iconic features. This required a delicate balance, weaving the Olympic values with Paris's historic charm to create a cohesive vision. The goal was to amalgamate these diverse elements, showcasing a design that stands as a testament to both the Olympic ideals and Paris's enduring legacy.

[2.0] Approved Design


Through numerous iterations of preliminary and detailed sketches, we successfully pinpointed an ideal direction that not only received the client's endorsement but also encapsulated all the values we aimed to embody. The finalized concept was both modern and forward-looking, meticulously preserving all functional prerequisites. Remarkably, this concept aligned seamlessly with the principles of 3D printing, suggesting a harmonious fit with the envisioned production process.... Read more Progressing further, we elaborated on this vision with more intricate details, striving to refine each element we wished to incorporate. This diligent process was driven by our commitment to delivering a solution that is not only unique but also flawlessly executed, ensuring it stands out as a pinnacle of design innovation.

[3.0] Interior Concepts

Following the establishment of the ferry's core Design DNA, the next critical phase involved advancing the interior design.


While the exterior design plays a pivotal role in presenting a visual spectacle to onlookers, our design philosophy prioritizes the user's experience at every step. Hence, the interior design was not just a matter of aesthetics; it was vital for enhancing the user experience and optimizing the production process. With 3D printing selected as the manufacturing technique, it was imperative to integrate and highlight this method within the interior styling, showcasing its potential as a deliberate design choice.... Read more This holistic approach to interior design meant that every element was not just complementary but interconnected, seamlessly transitioning from one to the other. This synergy aimed to create a distinctive ambiance, characterized by a flow of shapes, loops, and patterns. Such an intricate design philosophy ensured that the interior did more than function - it told a story, making every journey aboard the ferry an immersive experience. This focus on a cohesive and integrated design was essential in forging an environment that resonates with the values and vision of the project.

[4.0] Detailed sketches


As we explored the core aspects of the interior design DNA, we progressively enriched the overall design with detailed elements. Incorporating branding, introducing ambient lighting to establish a unique ambiance, and utilizing fluted glass details became crucial at this juncture. These elements enhanced the passenger experience but also offered an unique view of the Parisian landscape.... Read more The refinement journey included comprehensive sketching, essential for smoothly weaving these components into the design. This method allowed us to quickly assess and confirm the positive impact these features could have on the design's overall appeal. With this thorough attention to detail, our goal was to ensure that each facet of the interior design contributed to a unified and unforgettable journey for passengers, perfectly in line with the project's grand vision.

[5.0] 3D Verification


By transitioning concepts into a 3D environment, we began verification process. The 3D setting allows for a more tangible verification of all ideas, offering us the ability to truly perceive the object's dimensionality, scale, merge different surfaces smoothly, and position additional features like ambient lighting. This phase guarantees that the design is manufacturable and also aligns with our stringent criteria for functionality and user experience. Through this approach, we narrow the divide between creativity and practical implementation, scrutinizing every detail to ensure our visions are achievable.

[5.1] Interior Functionality

The utilization of 3D verification played a pivotal role in determining the zones of user interaction aboard the ferry.


Through this method, we were able to experiment with various user pathways, harmoniously blending style, aesthetics, and the production techniques inherent to 3D printing. This approach enabled us to enhance the user experience in specific areas; for instance, by adjusting the 3D printing patterns to minimize the potential for a slippery deck. ... Read more This thorough analysis and testing in a 3D space allowed for a deeper understanding and optimization of the user's journey on the ferry. By anticipating and addressing potential challenges, we could ensure not only the safety and comfort of passengers but also create a more intuitive and enjoyable environment.

[6.0] Engineering Development


Upon finalizing the intricate details of the design, we proceeded to the engineering phase in the ferry's development. This phase was directed at confirming that all design elements were cohesive and also that the structure was sufficiently robust to surpass safety standards. Additionally, various mechanical solutions were proposed and incorporated within the parametric surface design. These included the strategic placement of benches hinges, allowing for rotation and opening. ... Read more By rigorously testing and refining the structural integrity and operational safety of the ferry, we ensure that the final product is not only visually compelling but also reliable and secure for daily operation.

[6.1] 3D Print Layout


Ensuring that the 3D printing techniques were prominently showcased was an important aspect of our design approach from the outset. Throughout the entire process, we ensured that this innovative manufacturing approach was highlighted as a defining feature of the project. The engineering phase played an instrumental role in this regard, acting as the bridge that carried forward the concepts, details, and values conceived during the initial stages into the final documentation.... Read more By closely collaborating with manufacturing partners, our engineers were able to translate the initial creative ideas into practical, executable plans, ensuring that the potential of 3D printing technology was embedded in the ferry's design.

[6.2] Assembly Optimization

Much of the effort that goes into creating the final product isn't immediately apparent from the outside.


However, the optimization of assembly points and methods played a vital role in enhancing both the manufacturing and assembly processes. This behind-the-scenes work is essential, highlighting the importance of every component, regardless of its visibility to users.

[7.0] Detailed Design


Concurrent with the engineering efforts, our team compiled detailed design documentation that encapsulates the essence of the project and accentuates its key features. This comprehensive documentation serves multiple purposes: it provides Clients with a holistic view of the entire design, guiding them through the nuances and core attributes that define the project's character. ... Read more Additionally, it proves invaluable during the manufacturing process as a reference point, ensuring that the production team remains aligned with the design's critical characteristics and the underlying values intended to be showcased.

[8.0] Realistic Visualizations


Realistic visualizations formed a crucial component of the final design documentation, offering a glimpse of the ferry within the picturesque setting of Paris. These visualizations played a key role in conveying the values embodied by the ferry and enabling client to envision how it would appear in action during the Olympic Games.... Read more By situating the ferry in its intended environment, these renderings facilitated a deeper understanding and appreciation of its design, aesthetics, and the symbolic significance it holds in the context of such a prestigious event.

[9.0] Prototype Building

The design process culminates in building a prototype, a critical step from concept to reality.


Lead by our partners Holland Shipyard Group and Roboat we have witnessed a successful construction of the prototype ferry. Looking at the progress of the build was both gratifying and exhilarating for us, as each step brought us closer to seeing our collective vision materialize. The anticipation for the final results and subsequent testing phases was exciting by bringing our efforts to to life in a way that can be touched, seen, and felt.

[10] Promotional Materials


We also prepared high-quality promotional materials, including animations that bring the design to life. By offering a vivid, animated glimpse into what the ferry experience will be like, particularly during the Parisian Olympics in 2024, these materials stir excitement and a keen sense of anticipation for the inaugural journey.... Read more This strategic use of animation in our promotional efforts plays a dual role: it enhances understanding of the design's functionality and aesthetic appeal, and it also builds momentum and eagerness among the public and stakeholders alike. The immersive nature of the animations allows viewers to emotionally engage with the ferry before its physical realization, setting the stage for a highly anticipated launch and contributing to the overall excitement for the Olympic Games.

DESIGN & Engineering TEAM

Igor Sydoryk
Ada Paśkiewicz
Magdalena Buczak
Magdalena Rozpara
Mateusz Muster
Filip Malik
Przemysław Mleczek
Tomek Różak
Michał Kracik

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